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I'd like to learn to fly someday. I spent almost 11 years as a shipper and receiver.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Golf Article Of The Month

If you want a great swing then get this Simple Golf Swing amazing eBook

How To Excel In Golf

By: Jimmy Cox

The characteristic approach to the game of golf by those who succeed involves a fixity of purpose which comes from emotional drive. The drive comes from what psychologists call "goal tensions," and this goal tension comes from the decision of the player to disregard the possible pleasures of the moment for the pleasures of final important achievement. However, the strength of this decision is apt to fluctuate from time to time and, to avoid its weakening, there are ways by which our drive can be further stimulated by conscious effort. Here are some of those methods:

1. Watch expert golfers in action. You will tend to identify with them, as you do with the hero in a movie, and as you do so, emotions of various kinds will be aroused which will stimulate your ambitions. After any tournament there is always a great flurry of golfing activity. The golf matches now being portrayed on television will result in even greater golfing interest.

2. Play in golf tournaments. A big emotional incentive comes out of competition. People learn much faster if their efforts are competitively successful. They experience an exhilarating lift to which they can easily become addicted. On the other hand, if they lose, their pride is stung and they may be stimulated to redeem themselves through a better showing.

3. Take lessons from someone you admire. Many a person has developed a lifelong desire to improve his game by the accident of having been around a person he liked who was a good player. It is not necessary to wait for such an accident to occur. Seek out the professional that you most admire and pay him whatever it costs for lessons. The ideal pro would be one who could both teach and play and also had personal qualities which would serve as a long-range source of stimulation.

4. Consider golf as a stepping-stone to material success. Golf has developed into big business and, in this business, there are many opportunities. Good playing can lead to money-making on a much larger scale than many other fields. This accounts for the fact that college players with promise are turning down other careers to take their chances on the circuit.

Many golfers do exceedingly well in selling clubs and other accessories. Some use connections developed on the golf course as an entree to profitable business deals. A good or even creditable game is a help in both business and social situations. If one becomes a professional even in a comparatively small way, he will find that the returns are good. In some cases, the returns approach the fabulous.

5. Consider golf as an aid to good health. Many physicians consider golf the ideal exercise as a promoter of good emotional and physical health. Without excessive strain, it enables one to exercise every muscle in the body. In addition, it promotes mental health by taking the mind off problems which produce emotional stress.

6. Be a "poor loser." It is not good psychology to cultivate an attitude of being satisfied with failure. Such an attitude is self-destructive, since it destroys the emotional drive that is required for sustained effort. Tommy Bolt was so heavily criticized for his angry reactions to poor shots and poor rounds that he set about to completely suppress his feelings. He said later that he quit winning the minute he started becoming a "good loser." I have known several amateurs whose games have deteriorated under similar circumstances.

This does not mean that one must be obnoxious in order to perform at his best. Our emotions can be directed into productive channels which will drive us to improve. It has been reported that Bobby Jones in his prime had unpleasant physical reactions during the stress of competition. In the best sense, this great sportsman was a "poor loser."

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The first thing a beginner or high handicap golfer must learn is motion. Whether it is in golf or any other sport, the correct motion is vitally important in your basic foundation for creating a good golf swing. In order to teach the correct motion, I will break down the whole movement into 5 basic body actions. When my pupils train themselves to make these actions reasonably well in a short period of time they have no trouble playing an enjoyable game of golf
Find great new golf spikes online today

Tee the Ball Higher. The old adage has always been that the top of the driver should be about halfway up the ball when it is teed up. However, with a 460cc driver, I like to see you set the ball high enough on a peg such that the top of the driver is no more than one-third of the way up the ball. Of course, this means that the standard 2 1/8-inch tee will not be long enough to accommodate. You will need a tee at least 3 inches in length, but likely a little longer than this.
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Ping Putters

Drivers. The latest technology has enabled drivers to be oversized, to a maximum legal size of 460 cc. Most oversizes are made of titanium or a composite of titanium/non-metals which makes them very lightweight. Manufacturers are making some heads square in shape, which allows for a bigger forgiving area on the clubface which helps to make your mis-hits stay straighter. Some companies are incorporating movable weights to their drivers so you can change the type of ball flight you want.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Ogio golf stand bag!

Be sure to check the location of the ball with clubs aligned on the ground. Step away to check that you are positioning the ball properly. Ask someone to double-check your positioning. It is hard, without alignment tape or clubs, to visually gauge the proper placement of the ball.
...Golf Help

Today's Golf News

Titleist Momentum Continues Across Worldwide Professional Tours

Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:00:00 GMT


Mon, 28 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Rookie Chez Reavie Captures Canadian Open Trusting Titleist from Tee-to-Green.

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